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Condios wins international Grand Prix of Copenhagen

Last Sunday 10 August Condios won the international Grand Prix of Copenhagen.

The results were:
1. Henrik Steen Gundersen, Denmark, Condios, 0/0 55.31 seconds.
2. Sören von Rönne, Charlottenhoff's Carisma, Germany,0/0 55,50 seconds.
3. Tjark Nagel, Kymba 2, Germany, 0/0 56.20 seconds.

Condios (Coriano x Landgraf I) is an 8-year-old Holsteiner stallion owned by Morningside Stud of County Clare, Ireland. This was Condios' second international
Grand Prix competition; several weeks ago he placed 3rd in the Grand Prix of Drammen.


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