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Parelli News:

It is with great pleasure that we announce that the F.F.E.., the French Federation of Equitation, 450,000 members strong, has integrated into the Federal French program the "SAVOIRS ETHOLOGIQUES". More specifically the French federal equitation program will now embrace the "PARELLI" method.

In France you have to be certified by the FFE to teach. Instructors go through an apprenticeship period and then take an exam both written and ridden. During the apprenticeship time some study of the PARELLI method will take place. Haras de La Cense is certified as the first training centre under No ETH.1.2003.78730003 in France to teach the "PARELLI" method to all horse enthusiasts as well as professionals in the horse world who will then integrate this method into their equestrian culture.

Now in France, thanks to the "PARELLI" method, horse riders will become accredited by passing new "SAVOIR" exams and French instructors will study and receive a federal diploma authorising them to teach Ethology" in France.


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