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National Foal Auction Prinsjesdag, the power of performance!

On the third Tuesday in September, the sixteenth, for the eleventh time the National Foal Auction Prinsjesdag will take place. The sixty-five foals selected for their pedigree, movement and conformation, were recorded on video and photographed for the presentation DVD and catalogue last weekend. The auction, known for the high quality of its foals, this year offers possibly an even more interesting selection of bloodlines.

In the last decades, sport and breeding have become more and more entwined. What is more, breeding without information from the sport is unthinkable. For this reason the selection committee has chosen foals for their proven 'performance' lineage; not by making concessions in movement and conformation but by deliberately seeking out the best European 'performance' blood. Former NVP foal and Pavo Cup winner Hilltop Rousseau, this year the 'face' of the auction, typifies the way forward. The motto of the National Foal Auction Prinsjesdag , 'The power of performance!', under- lines the background of the selected foals. As mentioned above, the auction takes place on Tuesday 16 September. Last year, the organisation moved from Middenbeemster to the Federation centre in Ermelo where the auction will take place this year too. The presentation of the foals is at 11.30 and at 14.00 the first foal will come under the hammer of auctioneer Hans Sinnige.

Shortly, all the foals with their pedigrees and photos can be seen on For more information or for the ordering of the catalogue and DVD, please contact EQ International, telephone: 020- 4655446, fax: 020-4651640 and e-mail:

Selection foals National Foal Auction Prinsjesdag 2003

cat# sex name foal father mother mothers father
01 stallion Why Not O Future Noel O Lux
02 stallion Welldone SHB Don Primero Sybalia SHB Flemmingh
03 mare Wendy W Chin Chin Paola W Libero H
04 stallion Wauseon Montreux Ronette Libero H
05 stallion Watch-Me Hold up Premier Naomi-Joy Indoctro
06 stallion Winston Voltaire Monalita Libero H
07 stallion Wetset W Jet Set D Flaxyette Ulft
08 mare Warette Farrington Porette R Caretino
09 mare Wereedom VDL Cardento Jereedom Nimmerdor
10 mare Wummel G Indoctro Hummel III Landgraf I
11 stallion Wulavsco Fortuna Casco Rulavsca Fortuna Landsriver
12 mare W. Matterhorn Marcolyn Capitol I
14 stallion Winnetou Jazz Pocahontas Rubinstein
15 mare Wonder Gribaldi Kim C Flemmingh
16 stallion Walindo D Rubin Royal Alinda Nuprimus
17 stallion Walloc G.D. Tlaloc la Silla Jolie Rose Enrico
18 mare Wikilly D Roven xx Nikilly D Calato
19 mare Wiloma III Karandasj Siloma Nurzeus
20 stallion Woodstock Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve Ninka Bella Voltaire
21 mare Wirona San Remo Rirona Havidoff
22 stallion Wind of Change Florestan I Irma Wolfgang
23 mare We love you Krunch de Breve Remember me Cash
24 stallion Chang Chang Chin Chin Nizza VIII Corofino
25 stallion Wiepke HE Cardento Laborieux Voltaire
26 stallion Whiskey BW De Niro Klarinette Flemmingh
27 mare Wendyfleur Lord Sinclair Kellyfleur Flemmingh
28 mare Wildroos Silverstar Kristalroos Concorde
29 stallion Chellano's Boy D.Z. Chellano Z Rokijlly Quidam de Revel
30 mare Wieminka B Fuego du Prelet Saminka Royal Bravour
31 stallion Whasington Sheraton Liaigary Goodtimes
32 stallion Wargentinus S Argentinus Zapara Z Zapateado
33 mare Wiolita G.D. San Remo Fiolita Renville
34 stallion Westpoint ST Don Schufro Jasandra Flemmingh
35 mare Wymolga O.S. Indoctro Lymolga Goodtimes
36 stallion Waldhoorn Odermus Pelandra Corland
37 stallion Quincy Quidam de Revel Modern Class Corrado I
38 stallion Windsor Silvano Lorette R Flemmingh
39 stallion Wiebe OO Seven Pastrade Flemmingh
40 mare Wojomelia HBC Placido Lomelia H G. Ramiro Z
41 stallion With Love O Lando Passione-O Indoctro
42 mare Wendela W Chin Chin Jois G. Ramiro Z
43 stallion Wilotto Skydancer Wilotte Onyx
44 mare Wanda B Jazz Julia Rubinstein
45 stallion Wontreux Montreux Izmira-Bella Armstrong
46 stallion Watch me Voltaire Ranimora Animo
47 mare White Wishes M Corland Nadieh G Jus de Pomme
48 stallion Wizard W Future Prudith Krack C
49 stallion Wish me Luck D Rousseau Escansan Le Mexico
50 stallion Esprit - Z El-Bundy Kavidette Voltaire
51 mare Wordt ZZ Lord Z Inacolada Gagson Wimborn
52 stallion What a Chin Chin Chin Chin Diva D'Cors I love You
53 stallion Wiratora Viva Vivaldi Cigranta Vanitas
54 stallion Wallenberg De Niro Aktionella Rubinstein
55 mare Walzerbraut Lupicor Olilly-Gold Indoctro
56 mare Weelde de la Vie Numero Uno Silvera Silbersee
57 mare Warissa VDL Corland Larisse Hattrick
58 stallion Waterloo S Quite Easy Prima Donna Goodtimes
59 mare Wiora Jet Set D Pandora Jazz
60 mare Wysina Farrington Sarina Flemmingh
61 stallion Wandurel Ronaldo Pacharel T Weltmeyer
62 mare Winnipeg P Opan Pinot Rosse Voltaire
63 mare Waikiki Quidam de Revel Cassini Candillo
64 stallion Windsome Carnute Nofelia Corrado I
65 mare Wereedom G Hold up Premier Nereedom Galoubet A
66 mare Wings Nassau Sultana Heartbreaker


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