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horse Win a night to remember courtesy of PUFFA

Do you fancy watching the International Show Jumping Championships at Olympia while sitting in a private box, drinking Champagne and enjoying a delicious dinner?

The PUFFA Olympia competition gives you a chance to do just that and the fun doesn't end there.

The three winners, together with a guest of their choice, will spend the night at the Olympia Hilton Hotel. After a leisurely breakfast there will be an opportunity for some last minute Christmas shopping before returning home.

All you have to do is visit your local PUFFA stockist, fill in an entry form and either hand it in at the shop or post it direct to PUFFA. There is no need to purchase any PUFFA products in order to enter the competition, although taking part will give you an opportunity to see the PUFFA Autumn Winter 2003/4 range for yourself.

In addition to the top prizes there are further tickets to Olympia to be won, plus hundreds of PUFFA accessories.

Entry forms are available from PUFFA stockists early in September and the competition closes on November 28th.

This year's Olympia promises to be the best ever with breathtaking displays, music and pageantry and there watching it all, could be you!


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