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horse teque-style Especially For Men

CUT a dash with the new teque-style Performer competition shirt designed for men.

Stylish and technical, the longer length shirt features a button down collar and tie tuck to prevent the rider's tie flapping around in the ring.

Using revolutionary fabric technology, the shirt is made from hydropore, which has been tried and tested in extreme sports and has been designed to keep riders cool in the summer and warm in the winter.



The Performer has a wind-resistant polycotton front, protecting the wearer's neck and chest in poor weather or when riding at speed.

The short-sleeved men's Performer is available in new blue colour with a white collar as well as in ice white and vanilla in sizes small, medium, large and extra large. It costs around £43.

For further information please contact teque-style 0115 981 7979 or visit


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