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American Vaulter Wins Bronze Medal At WEG

JEREZ de la FRONTERA, SPAIN September 14 - After the 4th day of competition at the World Equestrian Games (WEG), the vaulting portion is completed. Devon Maitozo, United States, has earned the Bronze Medal. Maitozo, who has now earned four medals at World Vaulting Championships, has also earned medals in 1996, 1998 and 2000. He now holds more medals than any other male vaulter in the world. Christoph Lensing, of Germany, had been tied with Maitozo at three medals. Matthais Lang, of France, retains his title of Men's World Vaulting Champion earned in 2000 and Gero Meyer, Germany, remains Men's Reserve World Vaulting Champion.

In the Women's event, Pam Geisler of California placed 8th. This is Geisler's fourth World Vaulting Championship and a personal best.

There was standing room only when the final team freestyle event began in the brand new Chapin III Auditorium designed to seat 3000. As each of the 12 teams began their final five-minute freestyle (kur), the enthusiasm and excitement of the crowd jumped to the next level. Many spectators were viewing vaulting for the very first time and were awed by the spectacular triples, the quick action and dramatic dismounts.

The team from the United States made an incredible presentation, but among champions could not improve the 5th place standing when the class began. The only American horse to make the trip, Doc, carried Erik Martonovich and Samantha Smith into the second round of competition. Doc, owned by Yossi and Noel Martonovich of Golden, CO, was the only Belgian entered in this vaulting event.

Jerez de la Frontera, Spain held the fourth WEG since 1990. American Vaulters have earned medals at each of the four events.

Final Standings Round II (Participants 1-3, and United States
1. Germany with Wanderer
2. Switzerland with Le Grand
3. Sweden with Galestro
5. United States with Zar Ivan
1. Mattais Lang, France, with Farceur Breceen HN
2. Gero Meyer, Germany, with Kolumbus
3. Devon Maitozo, United States, with Abu Dhabi 2
15. Erik Martonovich, United States, with Doc
1. Nadia Zulow, Germany, with Rubins Universe
2. Niclola Stroh, Germany, with Pascal
3. Rikke Laumann, Denmark, with Milano
8. Pamela Geisler, United States, with Abu Dhabi 2
15. Samantha Smith, United States, with Doc


The American Vaulting Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization for the education and promotion of vaulting. Vaulting is the sport of gymnastics and dance performed on and in harmony with the equine partner. For more information about vaulting please visit our website at


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