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Michelle L. Adaway Named Advertising Manager for The Horse

LEXINGTON, KY-- September 27, 2002 --- The Horse: Your Guide to Equine Health Care announces that Michelle L. Adaway has been named advertising manager for the magazine effective immediately. In her new role, Adaway will be in charge of many major accounts as well as oversee marketing and sales efforts. Adaway joined the magazine in January of 2000 as an advertising representative. She assumes the position previously held by Lisa Heider Eifler, who resigned the position to spend more time with her family. Eifler will remain with The Horse as an Advertising Sales Representative.

"We feel we have one of the most knowledgeable, professional, and service-oriented sales teams in the industry," noted Greg Medley, Advertising Director for The Horse. "This move will allow us to continue to serve each of our valued advertisers with the same high level of service as in the past."

The Horse: Your Guide to Equine Health Care is a monthly publication focused exclusively on the health and welfare of your horses. The all-breed, all-discipline publication is dedicated to providing breaking health news and practical information, compiled in an easy-to-use format and monitored by a panel of experts from the American Association of Equine Practitioners.

The Horse is published by Blood-Horse Publications, an international publishing house for top Thoroughbred and general equine magazines, books, and videos, including The Blood-Horse, the premier weekly Thoroughbred racing and breeding magazine; TBH MarketWatch, a twice-monthly newsletter for Thoroughbred investors; the official Kentucky Derby and Breeders' Cup souvenir magazines; and Keeneland magazine. In addition, Blood-Horse Publications also operates Eclipse Press, its book publishing division; Exclusively Equine, its e-commerce and mail-order catalogue division; and a family of leading Web sites including,, and

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