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horse Club Membership from Equus-The Horse Event

Club membership in the form of an Equus elite member, free newsletters and a newly updated website prove Equus is continuing to develop as a high profile exciting event.

Equus-The Horse Event has teamed up with British Riding Clubs this year. There are many talented riders who compete at Riding Club level and who do not seem to attain the recognition they should. Equus 2003 aims to raise the profile of British Riding Clubs and are supporting them in their efforts to increase the numbers of members.

There will be displays from Riding Club members in the Main Arena at Equus. These will be alongside demonstrations and clinics from famous equestrian personalities.

At the British Riding Clubs National Championships in Lincoln all competitors in the Senior Riding Test Championship will be competing to be the Individual Champion. The combination that takes home the silverware will also be awarded a prize from Equus. This will be a clinic with a top rider from either Dressage or Show Jumping at Equus 2003 3rd-6th April - the winner will have the opportunity to benefit from immense expertise and exposure.

British Riding Clubs are looking forward to a closer association with this national equestrian event, as Maggie Dyus comments 'We are constantly looking at new ways to raise the profile of British Riding Clubs and feel that an event as popular as Equus provides the perfect opportunity".

The Equus website has been newly updated and now includes a wealth of information about next year's show. There is useful information for companies wishing to exhibit and for people planning to visit the event.

This will be updated regularly and visitors to the site will be informed of the latest changes to the timetable, competitions, bargains to be had at the event and new features at Equus. In addition there is now the chance for visitors to become an Equus Elite member and to receive regular free newsletter updates. To register visit
Any enquiries call 020 7375 9298.


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