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Nikki Tate’s Great Pony Express Adventure 2002

Canadian Children's Author Delivers Pony Express Mail

GARDNERVILLE, NV – Students at Gardnerville Elementary School received letters Monday from their counterparts in British Columbia, Canada, courtesy of Nikki Tate who arrived at the school aboard her pony, carrying the mail in her mochila. She picked up letters from the students to deliver back to Canada.

The exchange of mail was part of Nikki’s re-enactment of the historical events surrounding the Pony Express, which is the setting of her newest children’s novel, Jo’s Triumph (Orca Book Publishers). For the past 10 days Nikki has been riding portions of the Pony Express Trail in Nevada and visiting schools along the way, talking to students about the events of 1860 and about her life as a writer.

Following the school visit Nikki rode the Pony Express Trail at the western most part of Nevada, in the shadow of the Sierra Nevadas, pausing at the bottom of the Kingsbury Grade just outside Genoa. This marked the completion of the cross-Nevada trek which began at the eastern end of the State in Ely.

Over the next few days Nikki will continue riding parts of the Trail. She will be visiting several schools in the Reno and Sparks areas, delivering more mail and answering students questions. At the end of the week she will be participating in the Great Basin Book Festival in Reno where she will take part in several activities including a panel discussion on children’s literature and talking to aspiring writers in the Teen Tent.

Follow Nikki Tate's Pony Express Adventure on her website at


Bolen Books (Victoria, BC) Clearsilver Media (Victoria, BC) Horse Council BC (Aldergrove, BC) Leisure Time Rentals (Victoria, BC) Orca Book Publishers (Victoria, BC) Scrapbook Parade (Victoria, BC) Sono Nis Press (Winlaw, BC) Theatre Row Auto Sales (Victoria, BC) Karl Schutz (Chemainus, BC)


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