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YS Inc. to Sponsor Betsy Steiner

Collinsville, Alabama— YS Inc., manufacturer of the complete joint and hoof supplement Competitor’s Edge, is pleased to announce sponsorship of Betsy Steiner. The international rider has been a big believer in the Competitor’s Edge products so the alliance was a natural fit.

“We are extremely pleased to work with Betsy,” said Jennifer Gilliland, Equine Sales Director for YS Inc. “She has an excellent reputation in the industry and is known for her integrity—exactly the type of spokesperson we were seeking.”

Betsy Steiner, a USDF Gold, Silver and Bronze Medalist, represented the United States at the 1990 World Championships. She has been the winner of CDI Grand Prix at prestigious shows from coast to coast and is the author of A Gymnastic Riding System Using Mind, Body and Spirit: Progressive Training for Rider and Horse. “Competitor’s Edge has really made a difference in my horses’ performance,” Betsy said. “When you are expecting your horse to perform at the highest levels, you must give him every advantage. Competitor’s Edge does just that.”

Competitor’s Edge is a complete hoof and joint supplement designed to lengthen and strengthen the career of every performance horse by addressing the issues that often plague the equine athlete such as freedom of movement, joint aliments and slow hoof growth. Ingredients include Glucosamine HCL, Chondroitin Sulfate, Yucca, MSM, Biotin and DL-Methionine, amino acids, Vitamin C and more. Jennifer explains, “We wanted to eliminate the practice of supplement combining and reduce the need for injectibles. With Competitor’s Edge you really don’t have to feed any additional supplements except for wormers and electrolytes as needed.”

For more information on Competitor’s Edge visit or call toll free at 1-888-653-9626. Visit Betsy Steiner at



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