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horse British Horse Society and Ashby House TREC teams return triumphant from World and European Championships

The British Horse Society Senior World TREC and Ashby House Young Rider European TREC Championship teams returned triumphantly from Libramont in Belgium last weekend (5-7 September) with two team medals and an individual medal. The Senior World Team won the Silver medal, with the Young Riders, appearing at their first European Championships, taking team Bronze and individual Gold. Four individual riders, two in each competition, also rode well to complete the squad representing Great Britain.

Both competitions provided good championship courses and a few anxious moments for most competitors, testing their orienteering skills with technically challenging routes through the woods. A demanding PTV course for the Young Riders provided some very interesting obstacles including a bridge set high off the ground and a particularly difficult water crossing.

The Young Riders were quite superb in their first Championship event and fully justified Ashby House's support throughout 2003. The icing on the cake was to be Kate Ellison's achievement. Kate, from Auchentiber, near Kilwinning in Ayrshire, claimed the Individual Gold and the European title for 2003 with consistently strong performances on Spice of Life through each phase. Kate would be the first to admit that she is not so fond of orienteering in thick woodland and her performance with a map that was mostly 'green' was a revelation. Lianna Bourne from Kilmarnock in Ayrshire, on the diminutive Sheba, was also excellent through all three phases finishing in fifth place.

With France deservedly taking their third consecutive Senior World Title with Tristan Gracient securing the individual Gold, Great Britain took an outstanding Silver and Belgium the Bronze. Of the British riders, Anthea Kendrick, David Hay-Thorburn and Faye Hamilton, in that order, were all to claim prizes. This was a true team performance from all the riders, the back-up crew, the supporters, The British Horse Society and sponsor Ashby House that led to the success of all concerned.


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