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Andrew Drives To Top Spot

THIS year's Alva International Concours D'elegance at Burghley went to Andrew Hamilton Rhodes and Brookfield Eclipse.

A four-year-old Hackney, Brookfield Eclipse and Andrew are based at Berkeley in Gloucestershire, with Andrew fitting in competing around his job as a chef.

Driving for just two seasons, Andrew was delighted with the win, against such strong competition and at a such a prestigious venue.

Andrew Hamilton Rhodes and Brookfield Eclipse.

"It was a great feeling do win such at Burghley, it is a wonderful venue and I was delighted. I really enjoy driving and competing."

The class was held in the main arena at Burghley and attracted 17 turnouts to come before judge Allan Curtis.

Concours D'elegance is the pinnacle of driving competitions and require prestine turnout from both horse and driver, the aim being to determine the most elegant combination.

Organised by well known carriage driving expert, Gary Docking, the competition was supported by Alva International, manufacturers of aromatherapy products for horses.

Phil Bowen of Alva International said: "We were delighted to sponsor the competition which was very exciting to watch.

"Many horse driving competitors use the Alva range and it was a good opportunity for us to thank them for their support."



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