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Name This Painting

Time again for a "Name That Painting Contest"

September 10 thru October 1, 2003 Greetings One and All,

It's me again Tom Chapman, here to announce our all new prize winning contest!! You got it! Another of the ever popular growing "Name That Painting Contest".

Contest officially began on September 10, 2003 and will end on October 1, 2003! As usual Entrants may submit as many names as they would
like. Contest winner will be announced no later that Oct. 3, 2003 in the Chapman News.

horse We're expecting all entrants to get really creative on this one, and think up a name that is befitting of the image shown here on the left! The painting is in oil and measures 24 X 30"

Our last contest has been awhile ago now where we offered a specific giclee print as the prize. This time around we'll be offering a small giclee print also, but the choice of the print will be of your own choosing!! To enter all you have to do is think of a brilliant name and put it in the body of an e-mail, with "Name That Painting" in the subject line, and send to And of course you must also come up with the winning name for this contests image! That's not so tough to do, Right? Also if you missed our last news announcement Visit the all new Artistic T-shirts page at Artistic Visions by Tom Chapman and furthermore, we have also added a new painting for sale on the Western Themes page, and last but not least, we have new Holiday Greetings cards which you can view at the all new Greeting Cards page!! Click onto that link to go there!! We'd also like to say thanks to you all for your continued support!!

With Warm Regards,
Tom Chapman


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