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Matchmakers International Support Cleveland Bay Horse Society

THE Cleveland Bay Horse Society has secured the backing of Bradford-based Matchmakers International.

With its heritage in the county of Yorkshire, the Society is delighted that Matchmakers, a Yorkshire-based company has come forward and offered its support.

Well known for such brands as Harry Hall, Caldene, Masta and Cottage Craft, Matchmakers International is to sponsor a wide range of activities carried out by the society throughout the next 12 months.

"The Cleveland Bay is a rare breed and when we found out that there are only 400 pure bred mares of breeding age throughout the world we decided to get involved," said Richard Lawrence of Matchmakers International.

"The groundbreaking efforts to ensure survival of the Cleveland Bay, in the unique ReGENEration initiative launched by the Rare Breed Survival Trust and the Cleveland Bay Horse Society, should be applauded.

"Cleveland Bays need the support of British breeders, riders and breeding organisations to help maintain their existence," he added.

Matchmakers International will support the Society's Stud book, website, shows, promotional events, newsletters and breed conference.

Nigel Cowgill of the Cleveland Bay Horse Society said: "The support from Matchmaker International couldn't have come at a more crucial time.

"Over the last 12 months we have worked hard to raise our profile and we are now getting a lot more enquiries from horse owners wanting to learn more about the breed which is wonderful.

"It is still very much the early days in trying to turn around the decline in numbers of Cleveland Bays, but this sponsorship has given everyone a major boost and will go a long way in helping our work."

For more information contact the Cleveland Bay Horse Society on 01904 489731 or visit


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