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National Foal Auction Prinsjesdag breaks all records

The excitement on Tuesday 16 September could be felt in the whole of Ermelo: in a fantastic show, auctioneer Hans Sinnige presented 62 foals with an average price of 10,306.45 euro. Not only is this average a record in the history of Dutch foal auctions but also there has never been such a high price bid for the top foal of an auction. The exceptional mover, Wandurel (Ronaldo x Weltmeyer x Rubinstein I x Almeo) of breeder J. Schel of Linden went for as much as 44,000 euro to Dirk Kat of PrimeVal BV in Noord Holland. But those present in the full-to-bursting tribunes, standing enclosures and VIP boxes enjoyed many more fabulous moments at the foal auction: the Chellano Z x Quidam de Revel, the Chin Chin x I Love You, the Quidam de Revel x Corrado I and the De Niro x Rubinstein I, respectively, fetched 33,000; 29,000; 25,000 and 24,000 euro.

The auction began marvelously with the sale of Maxima who, after a performance by the stallion Magic Ronaldo with Edward Gal, came into the ring wearing nothing but an orange ribbon round her neck; this dwarf goat finally went, together with a VIP arrangement for the World Cup at Jumping Amsterdam, to G. Deen Holding BV for 1,150 euro. The second foal in the auction, the Don Primero x Flemmingh, went for 18,500 euro to Scotland and, in so doing, set the tone for the afternoon.

The eleventh edition of the National Foal Auction Prinsjesdag took place, for the second time running, at the KNHS centre in Ermelo. The selection committee's motto ''the power of performance" appears to have caught on amongst the devotees of good foals; more than ever were selections made on 'performance' blood and on pedigrees that have brought forth many good sport horses. This resulted in a catalogue with extremely interesting foals. Moreover, by way of the presentation DVD, much information was made available about the material on offer. There was also a lot of interest from abroad; a number of interested parties, after receiving the catalogue, even made the trip to Ermelo; a number of others bid by telephone and via the internet. In total, nine foals will go abroad, amongst of which two will go to the USA.


Overview of Sales: National Foal Auction Prinsjesdag 2003

cat foals price purchaser
0 Maxima € 1.150,00 G. Deen Holding BV
1 Why Not O € 5.750,00 W.B. Zorg Beheer
2 Well Done SHB € 18.500,00 Mr. Campbell
3 Wendy W € 8.000,00 Benny Wezenberg
4 Wauseon € 5.000,00 Stal de Sjiem
5 Watch Me € 4.250,00 Dhr. H.J.J. Jansen
6 Winston € 4.750,00 Sean Leahy
7 Wetset W € 4.250,00 Stal 't Reygersbosch BV
8 Warette € 5.750,00 VDL Stud
9 Wereedom VDL € 16.500,00 VDL Stud
10 Wummel G € 8.750,00 M.T. Verhoeff
11 Wulavsco Fortuna € 11.000,00 Winning Stables
12 W. € 4.250,00 Dhr. H. Zutt
14 Winnetou € 10.500,00 Stal Zegwaard
15 Wonder € 9.250,00 Dhr. R.P.F. ter Haak
16 Walindo D niet
17 Walloc GD € 10.500,00 Ten Brinke BV
18 Wikilly D € 6.750,00 Dhr. J. Driessen
19 Wiloma III € 4.500,00 Dhr. H.M. Dekker
20 Woodstock € 6.500,00 Quattro Stables
21 Wirona € 6.250,00 PrimeVal BV
22 Wind of Change € 3.500,00 Stal Zegwaard
23 We Love You € 8.500,00 Annet Willems
24 Chang Chang niet
25 Wiepke HE € 8.500,00 Dhr. Lisman
26 Whiskey BW € 20.000,00 Dhr. H. de Koning
27 Wendy Fleur € 9.250,00 M. Jochems
28 Wildroos € 3.750,00 Sean Leahy
29 Chellano's Boy DZ € 33.000,00 Jan Schep, Klaas de Ruiter, Freek Huizinga, Wim Zegwaard en K. Haarsma
30 Wieminka B € 5.000,00 Cindicaat St. Leger
31 Washington € 5.250,00 VDL Stud
32 Wargentinus S € 5.500,00 Hans van Kalsbeek
33 Wiolita GD niet
34 Westpoint ST € 4.500,00 E.J. de Jeu-Beukers
35 Wymolga OS € 12.500,00 Dhr. A. Bakker
36 Waldhoorn € 3.750,00 Dhr. W. de Leeuw
37 Quincy € 25.000,00 Winning Stables
38 Windsor € 15.500,00 Ed Constant
39 Wiebe € 6.750,00 Dhr. H. Koning en Comb. Klumpers
40 Wojomelia HBC € 5.750,00 Tom Reuzenaar
41 With Love O € 9.000,00 Windsor Farm
42 Wendela W € 16.500,00 VDL Stud
43 Wilotto € 9.000,00 B. Massink
44 Wanda B € 8.250,00 Stal Kwadijk
45 Wontreux € 10.000,00 Stal de Sjiem
46 Watch Me € 8.000,00 Windsor Farm
47 White Wishes M € 5.250,00 Dhr. D. Noordhuis
48 Wizard W € 9.750,00 Lena Nyström
49 Wish me Luck D € 14.500,00 Veebedrijf S.J. Kat BV
50 Esprit-Z € 10.000,00 J. Vink
51 Wordt ZZ € 5.250,00 BM van Noordenne BV
52 What a Chin Chin € 29.000,00 Hans van Kalsbeek
53 Wiratoro € 8.250,00 J. Pleiter
54 Wallenberg € 24.000,00 Dhr. R.P.F. ter Haak
55 Walzerbraut € 4.500,00 Anthony Mornie
56 Weelde de la Vie € 14.000,00 Winning Stables
57 Warissa VDL € 14.000,00 Mr. Campbell
58 Waterloo-S € 7.750,00 B. Rijsdijk
59 Wiora € 6.250,00 Primeval BV
60 Wysina € 6.000,00 BM van Noordenne BV
61 Wandurel € 44.000,00 Primeval BV
62 Winnipeg P € 8.750,00 H.J.A.M. Rottink
63 Waikiki € 9.750,00 Heinrich Sterthoff
64 Windsome € 16.000,00 Quattro Stables
65 Wereedom G € 8.250,00 VDL Stud
66 Wings € 6.000,00 L.R. Lubberts

total yield € 639.000,00
average yield € 10.306,45


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