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Productions East Video To Present Live Webcasts of National Horse Show Competition

Saratoga Springs, NY—September 29, 2003—Jon Cromer of Productions East Video in association with will present live webcasts of National Horse Show competition from Wellington, FL. With Internet broadcasting, people around the world will be able to access live coverage of the nation’s most respected year-end horse show from anywhere where they can log on to a computer.

Productions East Video will supply with live footage from both the International and deNemethy arenas at the Palm Beach Polo Equestrian Club during the National Horse Show, November 26-30. Viewers will be able to watch the competition as it happens. For just $25 per day, or $100 for the entire National Horse Show, people can access coverage of National Horse Show competition, plus have access to the event in the site’s archives for an additional month.

Previously in 2003, provided coverage of the Tampa Bay Classic and the Tournament of Champions from the Winter Equestrian Festival in Tampa, FL, as well as some of the Hunter/Jumper horse shows in Lexington, KY.

“This is an amazing new service. Now people can sit anywhere in the world and watch some of the nation’s leading horse shows. This service has great appeal to riders, trainers, owners and anyone who enjoys watching equestrian competition,” said Cromer. “We are extremely excited to be able to offer this service for the National Horse Show.”

A cable modem, DSL, T1 or Satellite DSL with 768 KBPS download speeds are necessary to access the footage, along with Internet Explorer 5.0, and Windows Media Player 7 or 9, which can be downloaded from the site.

A graduate of Syracuse University, Cromer founded Productions East Video in 1984. Upon graduation, he moved his business to Saratoga Springs, NY, where he expanded his production company. Today, Productions East professionally videotapes figure skating and equestrian events throughout the country., Inc. d.b.a. i2sports is an Internet sports broadcast corporation located at Syracuse University's CASE Center. It produces and webcasts live amateur sporting events including track meets, footraces, field hockey, wrestling, football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, swimming and diving, lacrosse, soccer, softball and baseball, equestrian events as well as business and academic events. was the first website to broadcast live a track meet, and remains the only Internet company to provide full-service production and live broadcast of amateur athletics.

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