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Promoting Racehorse Retraining

Trainers Fred and Rowena Cook are keen to raise awareness of the capabilities of horses that have been in training of participating in other equestrian pursuits. To this end they have begun to sponsor certain classes at shows to encourage the involvement of retrained racehorses. This promotion is being run in association with Oberon Equestrian and Niagara Equissage, everyone concerned owning horses that have previously raced.

The aim is to gradually expand such sponsorship over the coming months for various disciplines, not just dressage, so with this in mind classes run in support of ex-racehorses will come under the umbrella of "Promoting Racehorse Retraining".

The first series of sponsorships takes place by kind permission of Addington Manor Equestrian Centre, Buckinghamshire, utilising their series unaffiliated dressage classes between now and next Spring. In the sponsored classes the top four placed horses that have previously been in training will receive special rosettes; at the end of the competition series the overall winners i.e. those that have been the most highly placed over the duration of the series will receive assorted prizes with the first placed rider also receiving a rug.

For more details of the PRR scheme please contact Fred or Rowena on 01780/740773 or email:
Schedules for the participating shows are available directly from Addington Manor EC ( as are on-line entry forms. Please state on the entry form that your horse was formerly in training.

Show dates at Addington Manor between now and the end of the year are:
16th September 1st November
30th September 28th November
14th October 16th December

Rosettes being given to the top 4 highest placed qualifying horses in the Novice, Elementary, and Medium classes irrespective of the overall class results.


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