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Robert Smith Triumphs In The Killoran Demolition Grand Prix

The principal competition of the easibed Scope Festival 2003 was filmed in front of a packed house on Saturday night. The atmosphere was electric in the Championship Arena as an enthusiastic crowd welcomed the Killoran Demolition Grand Prix with a fabulous total prize fund of £22,000.

Filmed for Sky Television, a hotly contested competition, which had the eager audience sitting on the edge of their seats, then ensued. International show jumper Robert Smith, having had an incredibly successful season, continued along his winning streak and completing the three round competition as the eventual winners. From 39 starters, Robert, riding his stunning grey horse Kalusha were the last combination to go in the jump off grasping victory in a time of 37.48 seconds. A delighted Robert, who recently competed at the European Championships in Germany and is based in Shrewley, Warwickshire, was presented with her award by Jimmy Maguire, Peter Gillespie and Michael Mac, all Directors of Scope Promotions (Equestrian) Ltd.

Coverage of the show will be televised by Sky Sport on 18th September at 8pm and midnight, and again at 7am on 19th September. Coverage will include; Killoran Demolition Grand Prix, Linroyale Potatoes 6 Year Old Championship, IT Business Centre 1.25m Championship and the Credit & Business Services Dunglenn 148cms Championship.

The Scope Festival is promoted by Scope Promotions (Equestrian) Ltd and successfully running for its seventh consecutive year. Running from 25th - 31st August, 2003, spectators can enjoy full days of show jumping with classes starting at around 9am every morning through to 11pm in the evening. Entry and car parking is free and there are a whole host of trade stands and a fully licensed bar in the Championship Arena.

HOW TO GET THERE: Staffordshire County Showground is located on A518 between Stafford and Weston (Jct. 14 M6).


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