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easibed Scope Festival 2003
Staffordshire County Showground
25th - 31st August 2003

RESULTS - Saturday

Class: 6d Equiport & Powell Family 5 Year Old Championship
Starters: 33
Place Horse Owner Rider Faults Time Prize
1 Rocco Jimmy Lister Matthew Broome 0 29.34 75
2 Sandpiper II Judith Prescott Anna Edwards 0 29.63 50
3 Landlord V Kerry Watts Kerry Watts 0 28.92 35

Class: 7c Equiport & Powell Family 5 Year Old Championship
Starters: 42
Place Horse Owner Rider Faults Time Prize
1 Mersely Mon Capatain Malcom Lawton Ben Dunning 0/0 31.89 500
2 Verdi III Trevor Sturman John Renwick 0/0 32.13 300
3 Baretto Up Top Ltd Fredrik Bergendorff 0/0 32.23 200

Class: 14d 1.20m & Grade C Consolation
Place Horse Owner Rider Faults Time Prize
1 Nanita Vicky Bevan 0 42.97 100
2 Cordia 7 Geoffrey Billington James Billington 0 45.35 60
3 Retreats O’Hara Jaine Robertson Dawn Foster 0 46.14 40

Class: 15b DMS Adventurer Championship
Starters: 165
Place Horse Owner Rider Faults Time Prize
1 Helsinki Diamond Lynsey Tough Clare Shepherd 0 32.78 150
2 Lets Play Jaine Robertson Dawn Foster 0 32.98 100
3 Mr Maxi David Harland Marie Harland 0 33.29 70

Class: 21b Credit & Business Services Dunglenn 148cms
Starters: 32
Place Horse Owner Rider Faults Time Prize
1 Kahola Maestro S Paul J Whitaker 0 54.83 150
2 Gold Harvest F Whitehouse L Whitehouse 0 61.77 90
3 Mid West Star C Penny H Penny 0 67.76 70

Class: 22c Courtney Group Junior Starspotters Final
Starters: 30
Place Horse Owner Rider Faults Time Prize
1 Devlin John Oversby William Whitaker 0/0 52.33 400
2 Oh La La Karen Ruston Sophie Parsons 0/4 39.00 240
3 Lakeland Little Classic Michael Cottam Rachel Cottam 0/4 55.01 150

Class: 23d Junior Select & Junior Adventurer consolation
Starters: 85
Place Horse Owner Rider Faults Time Prize
1 Double Bluff Jennifer Kempster Sophie Leach 0 40.43 75
2 Mister Muldoon Mandy Hawes Robyn Hawes 0 42.28 50
3 Triple Echo Mandy Hall Jamie Wingrove 0 42.48 35

Class: 25d Junior Progressive Consolation
Starters: 108
Place Horse Owner Rider Faults Time Prize
1 Santa Fe Janet Valks Adam Valks 0 26.90 50
2 Bella Star Julie Derbyshire Amanda Derbyshire 0 27.79 30
3 Chip Monk Charlie Jonathan Egmore Kirstie Smith 0 28.15 25

Class: 26c Prograde Junior Novice Championship
Starters: 42
Place Horse Owner Rider Faults Time Prize
1 Higly Flammable Patricia Myszor Fiona Tague 0/0 28.11 200
2 Ottoway Fiona Gregory Rebecca Gregory 0/0 30.06 100
3 Bella Star Julie Derbyshire Amanda Derbyshire 0/0 30.30 80

Class: 29b Smith of Whiteinch Primary
Starters: 110
Place Horse Owner Rider Faults Time Prize
1 My Bugsy Malone Yan Whittaker Jordan Whittaker 0 26.43 75
2 Goden Fortune Janet Valks Adam Valks 0 26.82 50
3 Gwaun Benjamin Amanda Hilliard Olivia Hilliard 0 28.42 35

Class: 30c Golden Bear Tiny Tots Championship
Starters: 17
Place Horse Owner Rider Faults Time Prize
1 My Little Pumpkin Peter Scholes Emily Scholes 0/0 26.42 150
2 His Nibs Karen Costello Samuel Costello 0/0 28.67 100
3 Golden Bonito Russell Robinson Melissa Robinson 0/0 29.11 70


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