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Successful Show Jumping With Tim Stockdale
New training video set now available

Ever wished you could improve your show jumping? Or wanted to know how top professionals get so many clear rounds so that you could do the same?

In this 3 volume series, international show jumper, Tim Stockdale, clearly demonstrates the techniques involved in becoming a successful show jumper, from the very basics through to advanced levels. Laying the foundations, Tim looks at tack, rider position, basic flatwork and starting to jump. Moving on, Moving up looks at the horse's way of going, jumping technique, gridwork and distances. Finally, Advanced Show Jumping looks at how to ride at competitions, advanced gridwork, difficult turns and how to speed up your jump off.

"If you do as I say in these tapes, you will be sure to raise your game, get more clear rounds and generally improve your show jumping" says Tim. Ably assisted by Michael Eilberg, Tim imparts an enormous amount of information and his enthusiastic natural style will inspire potential or experienced show jumpers of all levels.
Successful Show Jumping with Tim Stockdale will be available from good equestrian retailers or by mail order from Equestrian Vision, RRP £14.99 each. For more information telephone 01730 892220, or visit



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