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horse Irish Participation In International Equestrian Events

CSI-C MASSAZZA ITALY 4-6 OCTOBER 2002 - Eddie Dermody with Gregorian, Hors de Wooz and Landgraff. Tel +39 0161 852218, fax +39 0161 852088, email

CCI**/* WESTON PARK ENGLAND 2-6 OCTOBER 2002 - for the CCI* - Jeremy Spring with HiFi, Susan Shortt with Bengazi, Mark Kyle with Maidstone Marvel, Richard Irwin with Mainstown and Seven 4 Seven, Mark Kyle with Bit of Kuwait, Ian Olding with Heavens What Ever, Cormac Farrell with Wood-u-Jest
and Alan Nolan with Winter Game. For the CCI** - Susan Shortt with Tyrella Love Song, Ian Olding with Landetto, Charlotte Hayes with Sage and Jonty Evans with Marsden Muscat. Young riders - Kate Keenan with Puzzles and Elizabeth Power with Quick Thinking. Tel +44 1785 284632, fax +44 1785 284019, website

CSI-A BREMEN GERMANY 3-6 OCTOBER 2002 - Dermott Lennon and Garronturton Lady, Anthem and Ginger Watt. Tel +49 4441 969 0, fax +49 4441 969 155.

CSI-A CATANIA ITALY 4-6 OCTOBER 2002 - Francis Connors with Cruiseway, Who's Business as Usual, Millstreet Miss and No Limits. Tel +39 095 730 6211, fax +39 095 730 6223, email

CSI-W HELSINKI FINLAND 10-13 OCTOBER 2002 - Cian O'Connor with Irish Independent Casper, ABC Landliebe and Lucky 4 Sum. Tel +3589 229 45301, fax +3589 229 45307, email

CSI-A PALERMO ITLAY 11-13 OCTOBER 2002 -Tel +39 091 639 8011, fax +39 091 637 5400. Francis Connors with Cruiseway, Who's Business as Usual,
Millstreet Miss and No Limits. Tel +39 095 730 6211, fax +39 095 730 6223, email

CSI-C WIERDEN NETHERLANDS 23-26 OCTOBER 2002 - Trevor Coyle with Lysienne, Naomi, Falballa and Arans Way. Fax +31 54 83 67 338.


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