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horse Irish Participation In International Equestrian Events

CSI-A CAEN FRANCE 25-27 OCTOBER 2002 - Cameron Hanley has withdrawn for veterinary reasons.

CSI-A HANNOVER GERMANY 1-3 NOVEMBER 2002 - Jessica Kurten with Paavo N, Duke of Lando, Quebel and GK Illona. Tel +49 511 32 57 68 or +49 4172 98 74 61, fax +49 511 32 57 59 or +49 4172 98 74 62,

CSI-A LIEGE BELGIUM 1-3 NOVEMBER 2002 - Billy Twomey with Give Me Remus, Anastasia and Saffier. Tel +32 4 360 84 16, fax +32 4 360 9178.

CSIP LIEGE BELGIUM 1-3 NOVEMBER 2002 - Jennifer Jordan with Huntingdon, Ronan Daly with Athrory Grey Mist, Aideen McLoughlin with Mr Vivo, Sara
Curran with Builder's Delight, Shane Quinn with Way Up Girl and Thomas O'Brien with Aille Guille. Chef d'Equipe will be Maureen Bagnall.
Tel +32 4 360 84 16, fax +32 4 360 9178.


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