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Police Horse Retires after 14 Years in the Force

TD with Phil Jones winning Horsemaster's Trophy
19 year old Taunton Deane (or TD as he is affectionately known) retires tomorrow after 15 years loyal service with the Avon and Somerset Mounted Section.

TD, who has been gifted to the ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses), is to go out on loan to Mrs. Hilary Webster from Weymouth in Dorset where he will spend his retirement.

Says ILPH Field Officer Peter Griffiths, "In 1988 when I was Chief Inspector in charge at the Avon and Somerset Mounted and Dog Sections I was approached by Mrs. Min Mason, a long time supporter of both Sections, as she wished to purchase a horse foruse by the Mounted Branch.

"That year we purchased a 5 year old gelding who was later officially named Taunton Deane by HRH The Princess Royal who is the ILPH President. "

Once TD's basic training was completed he was allocated to PC Philip Jones, now ILPH Field Officer for South Wales, and the pair went on to win many championships both nationally and at a local level.

Says Phil Jones, "We took him to the Metropolitan Police Horse Show at Imber Court in 1993 where we won the individual tent pegging and the championship, the team tent pegging and the Master-at-Arms trophy, he really was a star."

Apart from all the fun of competing TD carried out all his official duties including football matches, demonstrations and the Glastonbury Festival, etc., where, Phil
continues, "He was a true professional."

Taunton Deane with trophies


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