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Are you looking for a good time? Would you like to support a great cause? Here is your opportunity!

Jolene's Horse Rescue, a California Non- Profit Organization 501-C3, and Paramount Studios proudly present "Stars Smile"!

"Stars Smile" is a program offered through Paramount Studios to benefit deserving non-profit organizations. Simply by attending a taping of a Paramount show, the studio will donate either $10.00 per person or a flat $500.00 to the organization for providing 35 audience members who identify themselves as supporters of the group. What an easy way to have fun and support a deserving organization.

Winter and the holiday months are the most difficult time for non-profit organizations, especially those that work with animals. What a wonderful way to show your support and benefit the animals waiting for adoption into good homes!

Jolene's Horse Rescue, based in Palmdale, CA is scheduled to participate in this awesome program on Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2002. We invite everyone to join us on this day for a good time and to take the opportunity to help us feed the horses this winter.

Following is the arrival and attendance information for this fundraising event, a taping of the new situation comedy, "Bram and Alice",

Arrival: The group is booked for entrance at 5:30 P.M. at the South Gower Gate (see attached map). Group members arriving late will be placed at the end of the general admission line. The stage number is 19.

Attendance conditions: The minimum age of admission for this show is 18 years of age. There will be no exceptions. Cameras and recording equipment are not permitted on the studio premises. Attendance will count for all who watch the entire performance. Due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the studio's control, pre-booked arrangements may be subject to last minute changes.

We thank you for your support and invite you to visit our website,
Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

Sandra Venables

Founder- Jolene's Horse Rescue, 1991


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