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New York State Draft Horse Club

NYSDHC Holds Successful Fall Sale

CORTLAND, NY, Oct 21, 2002-The New York Draft Horse Club held its annual fall horse and equipment sale on Oct 3 and 4.

Many volunteers made the day go off without a hitch, said Richard Menkins, interim NYSDHC president.

There were 118 horses consigned at the sale. The top horse was a Belgian gelding consigned by Jim Emo of Canisteo, NY, sold for $2,700. Top selling mare honors went to Sharon Diamond of Erieville, NY for her crossbred mare, which sold for $2,500. J. Peters consigned the top selling Percheron mare for $2,300. Top selling Percheron gelding honors went to B. Bird for two geldings, each sold for $2,000. The top selling Clydesdale gelding sold for $2,300, another Diamond consignment. Top selling Clydesdale mare went for $1,000, consigned by M Welytok. The only consigned Shire, another Diamond consignment, sold for $2,300.

This year's sale had a quality selection of tack. The sheet total for tack was $76,009.45. Commission from tack grossed $6440.91.

This year's numbers reflect the positive direction being taken by the NYSDHC within the past year. The popularity of the draft horse in North America is also a key in the success of the sale.

The club will hold its annual banquet on Nov 2 in Syracuse, NY.

Brenda Mulligan
New York State Draft Horse Club


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