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Industry Applauds South Essex For Protecting Premiums

South Essex Insurance Brokers has been applauded by the insurance industry for leading the way in controlling countrywide problems which could lead to large cash pay outs.

The company, which has been a leading Broker in the horse world for more than 30 years, was voted winner in the Insurance Age Magazine's "Claims Initiative of the Year" section of its national awards. In past years it has also won the top award for the way it cares for customers.

In the latest award South Essex was praised for its "robust defence" in personal injury claims against British Horse Society members, for taking a leading role in investigating fraudulent fire and theft claims on horseboxes and for its efforts to reduce false claims for horsebox breakdown.

Managing director and company founder, Barry Fehler, said: "The work we do in this area does really save money for our clients. If claims are allowed to go on unchecked and insurers are continually paying out large amounts in restitution then the ultimate result will be higher premiums.

"As Brokers, we see this as part of our role in protecting clients."

Judges heard about how South Essex Insurance Brokers:

* put controls in place immediately it took over arranging liability insurance for the British Horse Society and British Riding Club members, each of whom was given a card bearing a 24-hour emergency report line telephone number. For personal injury incidents, a loss adjuster immediately documents a true record. The result has been that underwriters are happy to take more business, when elsewhere the market is shutting down.

* Horsebox theft and scams were becoming expensive, so South Essex and their insurers employed private investigators, who focused on 150 theft claims countrywide. Various trends were identified, resulting in action ranging from simple publicity to more sophisticated deterrents but leading to a drop in claims. The company arranged a meeting with other insurers, with one outcome that all now use the same investigators and loss adjusters, making it easier to follow trends which in turn has helped to close the net around the criminals responsible for theft and other scams.

* Investigating the increasing number of breakdown claims showed that routine servicing should have identified many of the tyre and mechanical problems in advance. Now South Essex arranges a free service check for horsebox clients and discounts on new tyres.


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