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WNFR Ready To Ride On Radios Nationwide

R4 Productions, the official radio network of the PRCA, is preparing for the play by play radio broadcasts of the 2002 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas, NV. The live broadcasts, which include a pre-game and post game show, bring the world’s richest rodeo to over forty radio stations across the United States and Canada. For a list of stations airing the live broadcasts, go to

In addition, each radio broadcast will also be simulcast on the world wide web. Fans can log onto or to catch the jump by jump action of the WNFR.

R4 Productions, the brainchild of PRCA announcer Wayne Wise, has enjoyed tremendous growth since the first broadcasts in 2000. "I started with 2 local stations, built the network to 18 stations in 2001, and now we have 42 stations in two countries airing the Finals," Wise said. "The idea of rodeo on the radio is really becoming attractive to stations and the corporate world as well. People like The Palms in Las Vegas, Wells Fargo, Bass Pro Shops, and Las Vegas Events, are seeing the value in advertising on the network, and I’m sure that it will only become more and more attractive as time goes on."

R4 Productions, along with the live broadcasts of the WNFR, also offers a weekly program called "Prorodeo Primetime." The weekly program focuses on the lifestyles of the rodeo athletes and features interviews with the top cowboys and cowgirls in professional rodeo. "The weekly show is a bit cutting edge with the music we use and the types of questions we ask, but listeners from all over have expressed their thanks for airing this type of show, so I guess we’ll keep going in this direction," said Wise.

In the future, R4 Productions plans to broadcast the Wrangler Prorodeo Tour, the USST Cup Finales, as well as the WNFR. Wise, along with fellow PRCA announcer Mike Bonds, provide the play by play action. For more information or for questions, visit


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