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Drop The Ball; Insert The alumaPLUG In Your 2" Receiver!

America's Newest Way To Make A Statement is with your vehicle's 2" hitch receiver! Solid, aluminum hitch covers that won't rust, fade or rattle make a statement for:
Horse Power, the American flag, hunting, fishing, auto logos, collegiate teams and more.

In a large 7" x 3" size, these hitch covers allow you to show support for over 70 themes and fill the void on that empty receiver, or if there is a ball already in place: Drop the ball; insert the alumaPLUG!

Order yours online today at: or call toll free: 877-864-4824. Brochures available from: Patington, Inc. 2154 Hwy 69/3 Clarion, Iowa 50525.

Orders shipped within 24 hours. Major credit cards and Pay Pal accepted. Great holiday gift idea!


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