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The World Class Start And Potential Programme Seeks Talented Riders For 2004

Riders who are aged between 14 and 30 and who see themselves as having the exceptional talent and dedication to ride and win at Olympic level in Dressage, Paralympic Dressage, Eventing and Show Jumping in future years have the opportunity to join current Start and Potential riders, through Selections for the 2004 World Class Start and Potential programme.

The 2003 World Class Start and Potential riders have had a fantastic year with a number of prestigious wins from these super talented athletes as they progressed seamlessly to the next level of their careers. Surely they are one step closer to their ultimate goal.

Vikki Kind, World Class Start and Potential Manager said, "The selections will be open, fair and objective focusing on identifying those rare individuals that demonstrate the characteristics, talent, determination and commitment of an Olympic medallist?"

Candidates will apply using a generic 'Curriculum Vitae' application form, plus a riding reference that must be obtained from an accredited trainer from a list approved by the Selection Committee.

Applications will be accepted between 3 November and 12 December 2003. The application form will be available from the BEF, BE, BD and BSJA web sites
or from the BEF by phoning 02476 698876 or emailing

Selection will be made by a panel and based on riding assessments, interviews and the candidate's competition record. Further information about the selection process, minimum qualification standards and sample interview questions will be available on the web sites in due course. The panel will consist of a cross section of the world's best trainers, judges and riders. The panel will not be given the candidates names during the selection process, with each candidate being given a number which will be used throughout, so the process remains anonymous, as in an examination. Each rider will be asked to bring their top horse to ride, and be prepared
to discuss short, mid and long term plans. Applications will be reviewed by the panel during December and early January 2003. A long list of suitable candidates will be presented at a selection meeting where riders will be picked to go forward to final assessments and selection that will be held in late February 2004.


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