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horse British Horse Society Ragwort Bill in the House of Lords

The British Horse Society initiated Ragwort Control Bill makes its appearance in the House of Lords on Friday 17 October where it will receive a Second Reading. The Bill will be led by Baroness Masham of Ilton and it is expected to return to the Commons almost immediately, thus completing its parliamentary passage.

The Bill, initially sponsored by John Greenway MP (Cons), has enjoyed all party support and provides for a statutory code of practice that will be admissible in evidence. The draft code was launched at the Royal International Horse Show last July to much media acclaim.

BHS chief executive, Kay Driver, said, "The Society is very excited about the Bill and we have every hope that it will reach the Statute Book. This is an historical moment in our ragwort campaign, which will have a marked effect in controlling and preventing the spread of ragwort. Too many horses have died from ragwort poisoning; this Bill will go a long way to safeguarding others from the fatal consequences of ingesting this invidious weed."


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