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horse Irish Riders Clamour For Belfast Entries

Irish showjumpers are clamouring to take up the last two places available to compete at the Belfast Indoor International Horse Show which opens a four-day run at the Odyssey Arena on November 27.

Organisers Equestrian Sports Promotions had allocated 12 places to Irish riders together with two “wild cards” offered at the show’s discretion. Those have been given to Linda Courtney and Young Rider Ryan Crumley who join a squad which includes World Champion Dermott Lennon, Jessica Kurten, Billy Twomey, Cian O'Connor, Harry Marshall, Conor Swail and Peter Charles along with three confirmed entries from the Irish army showjumping team, leaving two entry places open.

“Both the Show Director and myself have been getting telephone calls day and night from riders wanting to fill those two places,” said Mrs McKenna. “The waiting list at the moment stands at twelve!”

Other nations allocated places to compete for the £210,000 in prize money include Great Britain, Germany, France, Brazil, Belgium, Netherlands, USA and Switzerland.


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