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Training And Coaching Specialists Come To Show
Plus your chance to win time in the arena with international equestrian coach, Mary Wanless

If you have a problem with your horse's behaviour, the Southern Equine and Country Fair at the Royal Bath & West Showground, 25 and 26 October, could well have the solution for you and your horse.

Four equine training and coaching organisations will be on hand to provide practical demonstrations and advice to cover most eventualities.

Fizz Coaching Clinic aims to help people become the ride they want to be by removing any negative mental blocks the ride might have and allowing achievement and personal peak performance to flow out.

The basis of the Fizz concept is the Fizz Kit, a DIY coaching manual that sets riders on the path to understanding the horse/human psychological relationship. It sets goals, clears any obstacles to achieving those goals and then works towards them while monitoring progress.

There are also coaching clinics, available to any group of riders, and one-to-one sessions in person, by phone or email.

Instead of focusing on the technical skills of the horse and its rider, Fizz clinics look at the relationship between the two in an initial riding session. Afterwards, there are lessons in the classroom to help work out the issues, before a final session in the saddle to try out a new found confidence and more relaxed approach.

Equine Perfections has brought conditioned-response training from the United States to the UK. Principals Kate Penn and Alan Meyer are Europe's only John Lyons 'Select' Certified Trainers. Combined, the pair have training and competing experience in eight different disciplines and have worked in seven different countries. They have competed nationally and internationally in many activities, from polo to reining. Kate achieved many Rolex International Dressage wins while resident in Singapore.

Equine Perfections

The goal of Equine Perfections is not to train the horse but rather to teach the rider how to obtain the desired results so that this knowledge can be applied to all horses they might encounter. Kate and Alan take a no-nonsense approach to horsemanship. There are no secrets, no games and no magic. Training from the horse's perspective brings effective results quickly regardless of breed or discipline.

David Burleigh Smith, equine gentling specialist, saw a Western riding demonstration by Bob Mayhew in 1987. He was so impressed that he took a lesson the following week and became hooked on the simplicity of the training and the high standards achieved by many in a short space of time.

The main difference between David's equine gentling techniques and those taught in the traditional English way is that the rider is taught how to train, rather than how to ride. By paying attention to the horse, the rider can learn the way they think and react to sounds and movement, their likes and dislikes, the way they like to be touched in return to touch us. David will be providing a display of his skills in the Top Equestrian Arena at the Southern Equine and Country Fair.

For 23 years, Mary Wanless' mission has been to reveal the secrets of great horsemanship to every rider.

International lecturer and renowned author, her groundbreaking research and understanding provide riders with simple pieces of clear information and instructions, and direct tools for implementing them.

Having attained her BHSI (British Horse Society Instructor) and BSc in applied sports coaching, Mary has developed her methodology through combining her equestrian knowledge with experience gained in studying psychology, biofeedback, neuro-linguistic programming, body work, anatomy, physics and sports psychology.

She has identified the specifics necessary to transform your rising, and harnessed these with a complete understanding of how best to get this information into the mind of the rider.

Mary's demonstrations are a must for any rider at any level of competence, from beginner to advanced. Mary is looking for volunteer riders at the Southern Equine and Country Fair who would be prepared to take part in a working demonstration and answer questions in front of an audience. If you would like to take part, please submit the following information: age of horse, age of rider, height of horse, breed, how long you have owned the horse, your level of experience, what you wish to achieve with your horse, and a daytime telephone number - to Mary Wanless, c/o Lisa Scattergood, Contour Exhibitions & Events, Suite 7, Swallow Court, Devonshire Gate, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 7EJ.

The Southern Equine and Country Fair will take place at the Royal Bath & West Showground, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 October 2003, 9.00am to 5.00pm on the Saturday and 9.00am to 5.00pm on the Sunday. Ticket costs are: Adults, £9.00; Under 16's £6; Under 5's free; OAP's £8.00; Family Ticket (two adults and two children) £25.00. Advance booking discounts are available. Please call 08700 115007 or log on at For general enquiries, please call 01884 841925.


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