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horse I.R.D.Ltd Introduce Equitag TM as their R. F. ID Tagging Security Company.

I R D Ltd have had a tremendous start to our Security System since the first half of 2003, thanks to the Saddle-makers of Walsall, & those of the public who have registered their Saddles, Members & Non members of the Walsall Equestrian Society, have contributed to our security Initiative, to give you the end user the ammunition to help the Authorities to prosecute the thieves who steal your tack, At the moment there is very little proof of ownership to tack that you the Rider use, We have taken the last year to assess & carry out extensive research with the Saddlers on What, When, & Where to provide a type of Radio Frequency Transponder Tag to permit the maximum security concept to date within their Industry & your Sport, We all feel that we have achieved this between us,.

By purchasing a R.F.ID tagged Saddle you will have the opportunity to register that Saddle on our Database, The tag inside of your Saddle will have a Security number that cannot be changed by anyone, It can only be read by the authority that has the readers, In our Security drive Horsewatch will be issued within this year enough of the correct readers to be able to use in the major counties of Britain, they have agreed to be our Agency to police this system.

We have also asked the Rug -makers of England & Ireland to participate in this system, with some success, as it is now quite easy to put one of our tags into the fabric of a rug, as rugs are generally cheaper than saddles we do not expect you to register your rug, it will only be used for a few years, but what it does allow you, is the choice to do so should you want to.

For all Riders to own a tagged & registered saddle, will take some years to achieve, but if you have a tagged rug or blanket amongst your tack it provides an element of proof of ownership if stolen with your saddle.

We ask you now to support the Saddle-makers & Rug-makers who have started this system in motion, by buying their products, this in turn will bring the Manufacturers some satisfaction that they have made the correct decision to be involved with your security initative.

Over the next few months we will be updating our Web site to bring you the up to date information of who is Manufacturing Security Saddles, Rugs, Who to contact if you lose your tack, Who to contact if you want your existing old saddle tagged & registered, there are 24 Rural saddlers who are prepared to tag your saddle now, this number will increase as the year unfolds and the system becomes known.

Please remember to support the Manufacturers who are security conscious, you know it makes Sense.


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