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horse Irish Draught headed for Florida

Left Irish prepares to leave his home at the Spur Ranch in Lamy New Mexico. He will be on the road for several days. Below, Stephany Fish does a half pass with Irish. With a huge bend and cross over the stallion often receives scores of 8 and better for this move. Fish plans on taking Irish to to Georgia for a clinic in early November before starting his competition schedule. Fish is hoping to compete Irish at I 1 dressage before the season ends.

Florida Dressage enthusiasts will see the first Registered Irish Draught Horse competing in dressage this winter. O'Leary's Irish Diamond left his new Mexico home October 1st. He will go into training with Stephany Fish at Pepperoot Farms in Palm City Florida. Fish, who showed Irish once in New Mexico will compete the 9 year-old in Prix St. George classes.

horse O'Leary's Irish Diamond was the first Irish Draught to compete in serious competition in the States of California, New Mexico, Arizona and California. He first went to California when it was decided Southern California was where the top Western US horses competed. He won a blue ribbon at every USDF show he competed in. He was seen at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center and numerous other popular forums. He topped off his Southern California competition by being Southern California 3rd level Champion. He continued his winning ways in Colorado and then took time off from Dressage to compete in Show Jumping. In Show Jumping in Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado he was a blue ribbon and money winner in numerous competitions winning an open championship and an open modified championship. His owner has always been reminded that the top dressage horses go to Florida. When breeder Barbara Baris extended an invitation to have Irish train at her farm near Florida's and the United State's largest Dressage venue his owner Jim Leary could not turn down the challenge. Leary has been training the stallion for Prix St. George competition and Stephany Fish convinced him Irish was ready to compete at the International Level. Fish flew to New Mexico at the end of September. She rode the stallion for three days and the decision was made to send him East.

Below Irish does extended trot with Fish.



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