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First Long Island Wine Classic Nets $33,000 for Eastern Long Island Hospitals

East End, Long Island, October 8, 2003: The inaugural Wine Spectator’s Long Island Wine Classic held August 23 as the kick-off party for the Hampton Classic Horse Show raised $33,000 for Eastern Long Island’s three hospitals - Central Suffolk, Eastern Long Island and Southampton. At a check presentation ceremony on Friday, October 3, the CEOs from the three hospitals each received checks for $11,000 from Marco Borghese, President of the Long Island Wine Council (LIWC) and Dennis Suskind, President of the Hampton Classic, the co-presenters of the event (Digital photo available on request).

Commenting on the donation, Annette Leahy, Southampton Hospital CEO, said: “We are very pleased with the support the Long Island wine industry has demonstrated by this event to the East End’s healthcare system. It brought the entire East End together.”

WINE & HORSES BRING FUNDS TO EASTERN LONG ISLAND HOSPITALS: Presenting checks to the beneficiaries of the inaugural Long Island Wine Classic, were (far left) Marco Borghese, president, Long Island Wine Council, and (far right) Dennis Suskind, president, Hampton Classic. Receiving their checks were (from left) Paul Connor, CEO, Eastern Long Island Hospital, Annette Leahy, CEO, Southampton Hospital, and Andrew Mitchell, CEO, Central Suffolk Hospital.

Andrew Mitchell, Central Suffolk Hospital CEO, said: “We extend our thanks to the Long Island Wine Council and the Hampton Classic for their wonderful support of our East End hospitals and, like a fine wine, we look forward to aging well together.” His comments were echoed by Paul Connor, CEO of Eastern Long Island Hospital. Connor praised the combined effort of the Long Island Wine Council and the Hampton Classic to “recognize the need to support the East End hospitals through this new and unique event.”

“The Hampton Classic is proud to have hosted this first Long Island Wine Classic,” said Suskind. “It was a great beginning to what we hope will become a tradition on our show grounds. What better way to celebrate the end of the summer than with the best of Long Island—its wineries, its agriculture and the great equestrians at the Hampton Classic. It can only get better in year two.”

Commenting on the event, LIWC president Marco Borghese said: “This new event on the Long Island Wine Council calendar was a brilliant opportunity for the region to present its wines to a new audience, and to publicize nationally, both through Wine Spectator and other publications, the growing importance of Long Island wine and the industry’s contribution to the East End’s economic and agricultural well-being.”

The focus of the event was on Long Island’s wine and cuisine, with wine from 27 Long Island wineries and gourmet food from 18 celebrated Long Island and New York City chefs. Internationally renowned wine magazine Wine Spectator was the title sponsor and Bridgehampton National Bank was the first local sponsor to come on board, underlining its commitment to its Long Island market.


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