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Winners Of C/O British Farming Photography Competition Announced

The winners of a contest to capture the stunning scenery of Britain's countryside at work were announced today. The c/o British Farming photography competition, launched in July, invited entrants to send in a picture that they felt best illustrated the beauty of agriculture and nature in balance.
The winning entry in the over 18 category, a picture of a cow with calf in Swaledale, was sent in by Gordon Nicholson from Wigan, who receives the £1,000 first prize. The winner of the under 18s category, farmer's daughter Alice Helliwell from Derbyshire, receives £500 for her picture of the construction of a dry stone wall.

The runners up, Peter Barton (over 18s) from Lincolnshire with his picture of a windmill in a wheatfield and Kayleigh Southerton (under 18s) from Staffordshire with her headshot of a cow, each receive £250.

In total, around 500 entries were sent in by budding David Baileys, a huge variety of images that highlighted how Britain's farmers help to create Britain's world famous patchwork landscape. The competition was divided into regions, with each regional winner receiving a cash prize and going forward to the national final.

One of the judges, Martin Stanhope, deputy editor of British Farmer and Grower magazine said: "We were highly impressed with the time and thought that went into capturing these images. The incredible diversity of British rural life, from upland livestock to lowland cereal farming, was striking.

"It was desperately difficult to choose an overall winner, but Gordon Nicholson's photo gained the edge, through its evocative subject matter, powerful sky, and well-managed landscape."

Notes to editors:

The remaining national finalists (who were all regional winners) in the over 18s category were:

* East Anglia: Wilfred Winder from Essex with a picture of a tractor ploughing
* North East: Dave Charnley from Stockton-on-Tees with his picture of sheep silhouetted against a stormy sky
* Scotland: Jane Barr from Midlothian with a close-up of a ladybird on an ear of wheat
* South East: Paul Green from Surrey with a picture of houses in a North Yorkshire landscape
* South West: Patrick Emery from Somerset with two pictures, one of Borrowdale in Cumbria and another of arable fields in Wiltshire
* Wales: Don Cawthra from Powys with a picture of sheep
* West Midlands: Carole Murtha from Shropshire with a picture of straw bales in a field

The remaining national finalists (who were all regional winners) in the under 18s category were:

* North East: James Dunn from Yorkshire with his picture of a cow
* North West: Chloe Chapman from Cumbria with her picture of cows in a field
* Wales: Lee Horne from Powys with a picture of a sheepdog
* There were no overall winners in the East Anglia, Scottish, South West and South East regions.

The c/o British Farming campaign was launched in April and draws together the whole farming community to highlight the contribution farmers and growers make to society.

More information and copies of the photographs are available from the NFU press office on 020 7331 7292. The winning and runner-up photographs can be viewed at


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