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horse Christmas Mapped Out For Equestrian Enthusiasts

Christmas is a great time for getting out and about. It may be cold but nothing can beat those crisp morning rides. Wrapped in your Puffa and wearing multiple pairs of socks, you can escape the hustle and bustle of the festive period and enjoy the tranquillity of the British countryside.

So if you're wondering what to buy your fellow horsy friends for Christmas and you haven't got a huge budget, then look no further. Every rider should have an Ordnance Survey Explorer map - and at only £6.99 each you can't go wrong. Whether you're riding in your local area or exploring some of the other regions of Great Britain, the right map will help you locate even the most hidden bridleways, resulting in a more satisfying and personalised escape.

At a scale of 1:25 000, Ordnance Survey's range of Explorer maps provides equine enthusiasts with the most authoritative guide to the countryside yet. With unrivalled, accurate detail that highlights car parks, riding stables, bridleways, picnic sites and of course local pubs where you can both stop for a well-deserved rest, you can ensure that you make the most of your escape. What's more, highly detailed contours allow you to evaluate the difficulty of your route so you can select a challenging trail that will
really push you and your horse.

Ordnance Survey's Explorer range is stocked in many high street shops, but if you prefer to do your Christmas shopping away from the crowds, log on to where a complete range is available to order. And with Ordnance Survey's revolutionary new OS Select maps now available on-line, you can personalise your gift by centring the map on an area of your choice - whether it's the recipient's house or favourite riding destination. For more information about OS Select or to order log on to



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