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photo by Charles Mann.
Olympic and World Championship team member Nona Garson spent almost one year designing breeches with Tropical Rider to create the Nona Garson Signature Line (TM).
Tropical Rider Announces the Release of the Nona Garson Signature Line

Big Pine Key, FL-- Tropical Rider is known for designing innovative performance apparel for serious equestrian athletes. They are pleased to announce the creation and release of The Nona Garson Signature Lineä--high quality athletic breeches designed by Olympic and World Championship team member Nona Garson.

Ms. Garson worked with Tropical Rider for almost a year to design the breeches to her discriminating taste. “We wanted to make breeches that were elegant yet suitable for the equestrian athlete,” Ms. Garson said. “These are the breeches that everyone has been waiting for.”

Ms. Garson was a member of the historic all female show jumping squad at the 2000 Sydney Olympics as well as a World Cup Finalist and World Championship team member. With her famous Russian partner Rhythmical, Ms. Garson represented the United States on winning Nation’s Cup teams in Rotterdam, Toronto and Drammen, Norway. Her grand prix victories and winning personality make her one of the most popular riders on the tour.

“We are extremely pleased to have Nona on our team,” said Tropical Rider CEO Sheree Ganske. “She’s a true horseman and she sets her standards high. We look forward to a long working relationship with her.”

The breeches in the Nona Garson Signature Line are made in the USA like all Tropical Rider products. The extremely durable breech is made from Schoeller, a top European fabric that has the freedom of four-way stretch, while maintaining good looks. “Obviously comfort is a rider’s first concern with breeches. The Tropical Rider breeches are the most comfortable that I have ridden in,” Ms. Garson stated. “And they are really flattering.” The elegant breech features a contoured side leg seam and a side zip for a sleek fit. The unique deerskin leather knee patch offers the ultimate in style and function.

Because athletes will sweat, the Nona Garson Signature Line is washable and will withstand the tough daily demands of professional and recreational riders. Ms. Garson spends dozens of hours in the saddle each week and knows first hand the type of abuse athletic apparel will take. “It was important to me to design something functional as well as stylish and I think we have done that,” she said.

photo by Frieze Frame Entertainment. The Nona Garson Signature Line offers unparalleled fit and comfort.

Tropical Rider was founded with performance athletes in mind. “Riders are athletes and deserve comfortable and effective performance wear,” said Ms. Ganske, an extreme sports enthusiast. Ms. Ganske formed Tropical Rider seven years ago after unsuccessfully searching for riding apparel that met the needs of active riders. “I have been a horse person my whole life, so I knew what riders wanted and needed,” Ms. Ganske recalled. The company began with only one product line, but soon grew to offer breeches to meet a variety of needs, including cold weather wear, sweat-wicking fabrics, and more. Tack stores and mail-order outlets around the country now offer the Tropical Rider line; the list can be found at

Tropical Rider prides itself not only on providing quality athletic wear, but also excellent customer service. “We stand behind every pair of breeches that we make,” Ms. Ganske said. This attention to detail was one of the reasons that Ms. Garson wanted to work with Tropical Rider. She said, “It had to be more than just putting my name on something; I had to create breeches that I would be proud of.”



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