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New Advice on Ragwort Control horse

Ragwort is controlled more effectively if treated out of season during the winter months when it is at the seedling or rosette stage rather than the flower.

This latest advice comes from specialist ago-chemical company Barrier Biotech whose recent trials show that 'out of season' spot application with BARRIER H gives total kill with the need for less herbicide.

'The key is to take a strategic approach to control ragwort. Action out of season now means the use of less herbicide but with more effective results,' advised Nigel Back, Managing Director of Barrier. 'Seedlings and rosettes are more easily visible during the winter months as the grasses die back and early treatment saves expensive and time-consuming hand pulling or further chemical treatment.'

'Spraying seedlings and rosettes during the autumn, winter and spring gives a quick solution to the problem and saves further costly applications or even cutting, baling and burning in the summer months' he added.

Ragwort which has a two year growing cycle can be killed quickly with the application of BARRIER H. Treatment of seedlings and rosettes will cut hte plant growth cycle and so begin a strategic fight back against even the most heavy infestations.

For further information please contact: Barrier Animal Healthcare on 01953 456 363 or visit

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