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Riding Therapy Centre benefits from industry joint initiative

Students at the Fortune Centre of Riding Therapy, a residential specialist college that uses horses to help young people overcome learning difficulties, received a boost from three of the the biggest names in the equestrian industry at the Equine Event, held at the National Agricultural Centre, Stoneleigh, November 4-5. EQVALAN®, Dodson and Horrell and Your Horse Magazine teamed up this year to help raise awareness of the Centre as well as much needed funds.

Jane Holderness-Roddam, president of the Centre, accepted a new horse for the Centre paid for with money raised by customers of EQVALAN®, and Horrell and readers of Your Horse Magazine. Jane also received a cheque for £4,800, raised by EQVALAN. Andrew Nicholson made the presentation in the main arena at the Equine Event on Sunday November 5th at 12.30 pm.

Young people with special learning needs attend the Hampshire-based Fortune Centre of Riding Therapy from all over the UK and abroad. The Centre utilises horses to motivate students, using riding arenas and stables, where traditional schools use classrooms, to help change the focus of students from disability to ability.

The joint fundraising initiative between EQVALAN, Dodson and Horrell and Your Horse Magazine was launched at the Royal Show in July and has raised awareness of the work done by the Centre as well as raising money. EQVALAN customers were asked to return packet identification strips, which were then turned into cash. Visitors to Dodson and Horrell's trade stands at equestrian events were asked to but feed sample bags, with all money raised being donated to the centre, while Your Horse raised awareness through the pages of the magazine.

The work of the Fortune Centre of Riding Therapy proves that horses have a valuable educational role to play in out society.

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