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The Principles of Teaching Riding

Riding by the Bible.

In the same fashion as the Holy Bible promotes the way to live life experiencing success and fulfillment there is now a new book out entitled "The principles of Teaching Riding". Hailed by many as the new Bible of teaching, it promises to bring similar rich rewards to all riders from beginners up by saving them from a range of nightmare experiences often thrust upon them by inexperienced instructors and riding school managers!

The recognized official teaching manual of the Association Of British Riding Schools, the book has been co-authored by Karen Bush and Julian Marczak who between them have provided an absolute wealth of working knowledge and good advice to their readers. The book, correct in detail without being fussy, is well illustrated, easy to read and provides an excellent example of the best way to teach riding as well as how an equestrian training establishment should be run. Promoting a practical and realistic approach to the learning process, it proves to be of as much value to the rider learning as to budding young instructors, yard managers or anyone who might be involved with a teaching facility.

The book has been greeted with great enthusiasm by the equestrian media, yet no greater praise than has been bestowed by Mr. Chris Watkins, head of Assessment, Guidance and Effective Learning at the institute of Education, University of London. Chris, himself a novice rider, states, "The ABRS is to be congratulated on the production of such a comprehensive and helpful book in such a well produced format. This book reflects well the best research on effective learning"

Having read the book personally with the International spread of Equiworld members in mind, not to mention those who ride western, I was impressed with the way in which Julian and Karen, by sticking simply to the principals have produced a book which will work for readers world-wide. Knowing Julian personally, I can heartily recommend this book to anyone and especially to those who wish to teach others to ride or run a riding establishment.

John Crawford. BHSII. Equiworld.

Anyone wishing to purchase copies of the book e-mail

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