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One Stop Planning for Equestrian Sport

Tessa Jowell, Secretary of State at the Department of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) has announced that the British Equestrian Federation has been selected as one of the ten sports for the Government's new "One Stop Planning" policy. At a presentation, attended by the selected sports (see editors notes), the Minister for Sport, Richard Caborn, the sports ministers from Scotland and Wales and the chairs of their sports councils, Tessa Jowell expressed her view that the ten identified sports should regard themselves as "trail blazers for sport" with "proven ability to handle the challenges of planning as professional national governing bodies".

One stop planning is designed to drive success through better coordination of the planning process across the UK wide and home country levels, taking into account not only funding decisions but also the need for sports to have a have a concerted strategic vision for the longer term - to the Beijing Olympiad and beyond.

In order to be chosen to be involved in this exciting initiative, sports needed to be "UK level Olympic and Paralympic sports positioned to contribute significantly (but not necessarily at every level) to UK and home country Sports Council targets for participation through to success"

Richard Callicott, UK Sport's Chief Executive said that this partnership approach was a great opportunity for governing bodies and sports councils to work closely together for the benefit of British sport.

British Equestrian Federation Chief Executive, Andrew Finding, added:

"I am delighted that the hard work undertaken so many volunteers and professionals through out the entire Federation has been recognised by the Government in this way. Equestrian sport is now firmly in the first division and provides us with an enormous opportunity to build on the work we have underway, on continuing success on the world stage but also to drive some new initiatives, in particular in the area of grass root participation".

For further information contact:

Andrew Finding, Chief Executive British Equestrian Federation:

tel: 024 7669 8871

Julie Thompson, Equestrian Performance Services Manager, UK Sport:

tel: 020 7211 5114


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