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horse British Horse Society Equine Event seminar a success

The British Horse Society's (BHS) 'Your Horse - Your Livery' seminar which took place on both days of the British Equine Event (1 - 2 November) proved to be one of the most popular subjects and generated a great deal of interest.

Hosted by International show jumper Tim Stockdale, the audience was updated on the much acclaimed BHS Approved Livery Yard scheme, launched at the Royal International Horse Show in 2002 and still generating ten enquiries a day. 203 livery yards now proudly display the 'green plaque', showing that they have voluntarily joined a scheme setting an acceptable standard of care in an area where, to date, there is no other monitoring authority.

At the event Tim said, "I am very supportive of the BHS scheme. One of the most important points for me is the arbitration system. An independent viewpoint is so valuable should there be conflict between proprietor and client. The scheme also sets a standard of care for horse welfare in livery yards which can only be good for all concerned."


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