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Del Mar Fairgrounds hosting 300 horses, more than 50 are unclaimed

DEL MAR, CA - As of 5:00 p.m. on Halloween, the Del Mar Fairgrounds was still housing 310 horses and other assorted livestock while the Del Mar Horsepark is hosting 70 horses that had been relocated as a result of the Firestorm that recently swept through San Diego County.

The Fairgrounds continues to operate as an evacuation site for animals displaced by the recent fires that have burned a large area of San Diego County.
More than 50 horses at the Fairgrounds have gone unclaimed by their owners. Images of 34 of the stray horses are now posted on the Del Mar Fairgrounds website at: People looking for their missing horses are encouraged to view the website before going to the Fairgrounds to look for their horses.

In addition to horses of all shapes and types, the Fairgrounds is also housing several sheep, ducks, and an emu, but all of those animals have identified owners.
Today, more than 100 horses were taken home.

The Fairgrounds was also notified today, that all horses under the jurisdiction of the San Diego Department of Animal Control (SDDAC) that were still being held at the Poway and Lakeside facilities would be relocated to the Del Mar Horsepark, on Monday, Nov. 3. The SDDAC will be closing those sites. All of the horses at those locations have identified owners.

Any horses remaining at the Fairgrounds will also be moved to Horsepark after Nov. 3. Horsepark is located east of the Fairgrounds and is a year-round equestrian center that can stable as many as 400 horses. For information on the upcoming relocation effort, please contact the SDDAC at 619-236-2341.

Additionally, any private citizens who may be holding stray livestock are encourage to contact the SDDAC, so that those animals can be repatriated with their owners. Stray horses should be taken to the Del Mar Fairgrounds before Sunday evening.

For information on stray horses at the Fairgrounds, please call 858-509-5245.

When claiming their animals, owners should bring with them, any proof of ownership relating to the animal(s) including photos of them with the animals. SDDAC officials are only on site at the Fairgrounds between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., and NO animals will be released from the Fairgrounds without the approval of a SDDAC official.

Horse/livestock owners should enter the Fairgrounds through the Stable Gate located on Jimmy Durante Blvd., west of Interstate 5.


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