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horse New Release - Dressage For Jumping With Richard Davison, John and Robert Whitaker

Dressage for Jumping is an innovative training video in which international dressage rider and double Olympian, Richard Davison, is joined by show jumping legend John Whitaker and his son Robert. The result is 90 minutes of fascinating and comprehensive instruction on the flat and over jumps as Richard's dressage expertise is moulded with the Whitakers' jumping prowess.

During the programme, Richard takes viewers through the training session, covering suppleness, yielding to the leg and half halt. He is joined by John Whitaker to assess the young jumping horse and together they tackle some common problems. With John and Robert Whitaker, Richard looks at seeing a stride including arriving correctly at take-off, shortening and lengthening on the flat and between jumps before moving on to look at jumping a course. Finally there are advanced exercises on the flat to perfect the turn and jumping against the clock.

The application of dressage principles is evident throughout the film with counter canter, shoulder in and canter pirouettes proving their worth in the show jumping arena. The programme provides a comprehensive reference for jumping and dressage alike.

Dressage for Jumping with Richard Davison, John and Robert Whitaker is available from good equestrian retailers or by mail order from Equestrian Vision, RRP £. For more information telephone 01730 892220, or visit



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