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Taking The Donkey Work Out Of Horse Passports

By the end of June 2004 all horses, ponies and donkeys will be required by law to have a horse passport and the Country Land and Business Association (CLA) is reminding its members that it is a relatively straightforward task to apply for the passport without the need for veterinary or other professional assistance.

Sue Harrison, North West Deputy Regional Director says: "Whether or not you agree with this European legislation, and to be honest there are many who see it as unnecessary in the UK, you will have to obtain a passport for your horse. Many people appear to be under the misapprehension that the form must be completed by a Vet. This is not so - the process is relatively straightforward although you will need to obtain a form and allow yourself an hour or so to complete it before sending it off with your cheque for £14. The forms can be downloaded from the internet at or requested via the Defra helpline on 08459 335577. If you have a recognised breed, you can also contact your breed society."

The Government is introducing the new legislation in order to implement European Commission Decision 2000/68/EC that applies throughout the European Union and requires all horses to have a passport. The objective of the legislation is to protect the health of those who eat horsemeat by preventing horses entering the human food chain if they have been administered with any medicines that are not intended for use on food producing animals.Not having a Horse Passport for your horse, pony or donkey is punishable by a fine of up to £5000 or one month in prison.

The application forms and instructions are available from the Horse Passport Agency at or requested via the Defra helpline on 08459 335577


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