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horse Doubting Thomas saved by his Equitector boots

New York mounted policeman Thomas Catanzaro tells us of his experience with the Equitector Chill Master Riding Boot.

So far I found them good with the cold weather. The boots are very comfortable.
But I have to tell you something. I am not a fan of the steel toed boots, but yesterday I was walking my horse from the trailer to the barn after a day out on patrol when my horse stepped high over the curb and came down hard on my left toe.

I have never had a horse step on my foot so solid. There is a scuff in the leather from the stud that is welded to the bottom of the shoe but my toes were not touched.
I am sure I could have broken a toe or something worse since the horse I had yesterday was a big Quarter Horse. Did I tell you it was the first day wearing the boots. I guess that steel toe boots are not a bad idea after all.
Thomas Catanzaro



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