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Supermodel Jodie Helps Launch First Hickstead Ball

Some of the best-known stars of dressage, showjumping, eventing and polo will be helping to launch the first Hickstead Annual Riders Ball at the All England Jumping Course on Saturday December 7.

And among them is polo player and super model Jodie Kidd, European eventing champion and 2002 Badminton winner Pippa Funnell with husband, international showjumper William, the fans'favourite showjumper Tim Stockdale, and eventers Rodney Powell and Leslie Law as well as dressage star Peter Storr.

More than 400 tickets have been sold for the Ball, which will be held in the state of the art themed and heated marquee introduced to Hickstead to great acclaim last year. The reception area will be transformed into a ice palace, while the dining area will be a room of fire using stunning and sophisticated lighting and props.

Organiser Philip Bunn said: "It is going to be a great evening, with stars and guests mingling until the small hours of Sunday morning. This Ball will become one of the equestrian world's great occasions that people will not want to miss."


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