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World Class Sport Horses Make Their Way To Highlife Farms

Orlando, FL - December 2002 - Today, Highlife Farms owners Kenny and Joan Sims announced the arrival of several sport horses including Pilox, from Europe. Among several other influential horses, Pilox will be making Highlife Farms in Central Florida his new home.

Mention the unmistakable name Pilox, and everyone knows who your talking about. His lineage speaks for itself. His sire, Pilot, the Westphalian stallion started an incomparable career in his day as a procreator of showjumpers and was the youngest progeny winnings millionaire of German stallions. The dam Anja was awarded with the Westphalian Breeder's Association premium and was show winner a number of times.

Pilox's performance record is impeccable. He dominated his stallion performance test in Warendorf in 1994, with way above average scores in the forefront of his age-class. Following wins in show jumper competitions, he had success at Federal Championship level in show jumping and was also victorious in the advanced class. Highlife Farms, Orlando is very proud and honored to call this world class sport horse one of their own. A select number of breeding requests will be accepted for this exceptional horse standing at stud.

Prezioso S by the highly talented Pilox, qualified for the Bundeschampionate and Limited Edition, who qualified for the Bundeschampionate, placed in the International Horse Show at the Challenge Cup and showed in Rasdete, have also arrived and are just a few of the additional stallion masterpieces on property.

Highlife Farms is not only well known in the United States, but in Europe as well. Bundeschampionate winner Der Euro, with the successful lineage of his sire Don Schufro, Pik Lady who was one of only three ambassadors from Oldenburg nominated for the European Broodmare Show, and Danse diabolique a black Oldenburg stallion by Donnerhall are all currently representing Highlife abroad. This is just a brief list of phenomenal horses and the beginning of what Highlife Farms is all about!

If you would like to tour the Highlife Farms facility and view horses rarely available in the states, please call 407-293-0110 to schedule and appointment. We would enjoy showing you around! You WILL be impressed.


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