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Brilliant second victory for Rodrigo Pessoa at CSI**** A Coruna

- Two years after his initial win at Casas Novas, the Brazilian rider recovers the coveted trophy of the Gran Premio Telefonica after a clean round in 43,83 seconds, ahead of Germany’s Marco Kutscher.
- With a total purse of 172.000 euros, the Gran Premio Telefonica is the most desired win of this four star show attended by 74 riders from 11 countries.
- CSI**** Casas Novas ends today, following three days of intense activity.


A Coruna (SPAIN). December 10, 2003.- After the excitement of his key win at CSI-W Geneva just a week ago, last night Brazilian rider Rodrigo Pessoa made a brilliant effort with his young horse “Hermes St. Lois” and pulled off a clean round in 43,83 seconds, winning back the Gran Premio Telefonica at the CSI**** A Coruna taking place this weekend in Spain. “ Hermes St. Lois promises to be my star horse for future competitions”, he noted contentedly after the day’s competition. He carries home 50.000
euros in prize money just for this one win, which added to his two other placements, total nearly 52 thousand euros. And there is still one more day of competition.

Rodrigo Pessoa makes a comeback this year with the win of the Gran Premio Telefonica, which he obtained first in December 2001. This second win in a span of a week completes a busy month of activity, which started a few days ago at Geneva´s CSI-W Top Ten Final end shortly at London’s CSI Olympia. The presence of top international riders, such as Toni Hassman, Michael Whitaker and Michel Robert, has helped secure show jumping a spot on Spain’s busy world of sport, gaining the media’s full attention since arriving in A Coruña just three days ago. Leading sports daily Marca hails Rodrigo Pessoa as an unrivalled “rider in a land of football enthusiasts”.

The Gran Premio Telefonica was the night’s main attraction and Germany’s Marco Kutscher classified in second place carried out in with a clear round atop “Controe”, his chosen horse for the Nation’s Cup of Rome, the CSI of Bordeaux, Spagenberg and Munich, among other international shows. This win will allow him to return home with 40.000 euros in prize money.

Brazil’s Bernardo Alves riding “Corino 7” carried out the fastest round of 41,48 seconds, although one pole down put him in third place rewarded with 30.000 euros. His efforts over these past two days have paid off well for the rider, having placed second in the Trofeo Caixanova on Friday, for a take home purse so far totalling 35.000 euros.

Pia Luise Aufrecht riding “Hofgut Lied Buvoric” made the cut for the jump-off in first place with a time of 71,7 seconds, but had a pole down for four faults, putting her in sixth place.

Current national champion Luis Alvarez Cervera, his son Eduardo Alvarez Anzar and Jesus Garamendia, were the only the Spanish riders who passed on the second round. They placed within the first 12 positions, but each with a total of eight faults. The best Spanish placement was with Jesus Garmendia at 10th place, atop “Espoir de la Haya”. Garamendia adds this respectable placement to his win on Friday of the event’s first class, the Trofeo Mostoles Industrial.

Eleven countries compete for 300.000 euros in prize money over three days of intense competition

The Spanish circuit of International Show Jumping competitions has moved up a notch with CSI**** A Coruna, which is carried out in the spectacular installations of Casas Novas Equestrian Center, Arteixo (A Coruna), located in the north-western region of Galicia. Already in its seventh edition, it is the highest prized show jumping event of its kind in Spain. Nearly 2.500 spectators will follow the activity each day in the covered arena, as will thousands more via national TV stations TVE and Teledeporte, regional TVG as well as international Eurosport. International presence from 11 countries, including France, Germany, UK and Portugal, as well as the top riders from Spain, has allowed the CSI**** A Coruna to secure itself a solid place on the international show jumping circuit.

While Rodrigo Pessoa’s win of 50.000 euros was the most desired prize of the day, the 74 international riders present at CSI**** A Coruna will distribute among themselves a total of 300.000 euros, the highest purse in Spain for an event of its kind this year. A total of 36 Spanish riders, including top names such as Cristino Torres, Luis Alvarez
Cervera, Jesus Garamendia and Rutherford Latham Morehead participate in the nine classes.

As expected, top international participation is once again the star attraction. German riders have come out in full with a top team consisting of two time winner of the Gran Premio Toni Hassmann, Ludger Beerbaum, Marco Kutscher, Pia Luise Austrech and Otto Becker. Brasil’s Rodrigo Pessoa, Alvaro Miranda Neto, Arthur Gustavo da Silva, Bernardo Alves and Rodrigo Sarmento all came equipped to make top placements. France’s Michel Robert, Herve Godignon, Eugenie Angot, Athina Roussel Onassis, Juliene Epaillard, Guy Jonqueres and Emmanuelle Mille also secured the event on their competition calendar. The UK is no less prepared for victory, with names includes a trio of Whitakers (Robert, Michael and John), as well as Richard Davenport and Scott Smith. While he competes alone, the Swiss Markus Fuchs also adds great expectation to the event, with a total of three horses.

Top three placements – results from Friday December 12 and Saturday December 13, 2003

Day One. December 12, 2003

Trofeo Mostoles Industrial

1. Alvaro Garmendia Echeverria (SPA) - Epi de Colomby - 0/51,76 – 1.500 euros
2. Michael Whitaker (UK) - Renzerin Vd Rampaarde - 0/51,81 – 1.000 euros
3. Leonardo Medal Garcia (SPA) – Duende - 0/52,23 – 900 euros

Trofeo NH Hoteles

1. Rodrigo Sarmento (BRA) – Sultan – 0/30,1 – 2.500 euros
2. Alfredo Fernandez-Duran (SPA) – Igor I – 0/30,83 – 2.000 euros
3. Marta Ortega Perez (SPA) – Loughtown Atlanta – 0/33,01 – 1.500 euros

Trofeo Caixanova

1. Eric Levallois (FRA) – Diamant de Semilly*Ecollit – 0/62,9 – 9.000 euros
2. Bernardo Alves (BRA) – Corino 7 – 0/63,58 – 5.500 euros
3. Eugenie Angot (FRA) – Cigale du Tallis – 0/63,64 – 4.200 euros

Day Two. December 13, 2003

Trofeo ADT

1. Michael Whitaker (UK) - Renzerin Vd Rampaarde – 0/53,33 – 1.500 euros
2. Alfredo Fernandez-Duran (SPA) – Nesette – 0/54,15 – 1.000 euros
3. Julien Epaillard (FRA) – El Dorado de Roche – 0/55,56 – 900 euros

Trofeo Banco Pastor

1. Rossen Raitchev (BUL) – Landjuwel – 0/57,58 – 2.500 euros
2. Toni Hassmann (GER) – Forsyth Frh – 0/57,78 – 2.000 euros
3. Luis Alvarez Cervera (SPA) – Nordico – 0/59,51 – 1.500 euros

Gran Premio Telefónica

1. Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA) – Hermes St Lois – 0/43,83 – 50.000 euros
2. Marco Kutscher (GER) – Controe – 0/45,0 – 40.000 euros
3. Bernardo Alves (BRA) – Corino 7 – 4/41,48 – 30.000 euros

Full results available on line at


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